Rise Up Central Kansas Meeting Date: February 22, 2023
Meeting Agenda
P.Avenger, T.Morton, R. Honeycutt, T. McNett, V.Richardson, N. Manley, A. Ferguson
Resilience: an adaptation in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stress. Resilience is what gives people the psychological strength to cope with stress and hardship. It is the mental reservoir of strength that people can call on in times of need to carry them through without falling apart. Resilience is not a trait that people have. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed by anyone.
Item | Time | Lead | Expected Action | Minutes |
Prevention | 5 minutes | Katelyn | Update for Tyler | CADCA magazine will be interviewing Youth Crew! Youth crew went to commission meeting and were recently on radio Kickball tournament Kick The Habit 1-4 Riseup will have volunteers to help with umpiring. 4 youth crew members will go to Topeka to |
Intervention | 5 minutes | Amy | Suggestions | Laundry of love, Roberto shared the new Resource guide Relationships being built with the community next is March 18 th 10-2 Oxford and Amy did presentation for Oxford Share resource guide. Peer navigator to create trusted voices in the community |
Resilience | 5 minutes | Vicki | Update | Going to Stepping Stones for CRTC training. Health Dept next Thursday the 2 nd To share resource guide and covid vaccination information. |
Community Events | 5 minutes | All | Report | Laundry Love March 12 th 10-2 Kickball tournament LGBTQ cultural training |
Partner Updates | 5 minutes | All | Update | 4-H is partnering with LHEAT to save laundry bottles for Buzz Birney Larned- Laundry Love today. |
Resource Coordinator Update | 5 minutes | Amy | Update | 150 mobile meetings, Resource Guide Completed. visiting surrounding county jails to deliver resource guide and covid vaccination information, |
Closing Questions/Challenge | | | | |